Traffic violations are heavily fined but don’t abandon your vehicle.
Currently, many people think that they will be fined heavily for traffic violations while the value of the vehicle is too low, so they abandon the vehicle to avoid paying the fine . According to lawyer – Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Vinh (TNJ Law Firm), this understanding is incorrect and they still have the obligation to pay the fine.
Because, according to Clause 1, Article 66 of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations 2012, from the time of making a record of administrative violations, the competent person must issue a decision to impose a penalty within 7 days.
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 73 of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, individuals and organizations subject to administrative sanctions must comply with the sanction decision within 10 days from the date of receipt of the decision. In case the administrative sanction decision states a period of implementation of more than 10 days, it shall be implemented according to that period.
When the deadline for executing the penalty decision has expired and the violator still fails to fulfill his/her obligations, for each day of delay in paying the fine, an additional 0.05% of the total unpaid fine amount will be charged (Article 78 of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations). At the same time, the violator will be forced to execute the penalty decision according to Article 86 of this Law.
Specifically, violators will have a portion of their salary or income deducted, and money deducted from their accounts. Violators may also have their assets with a value equivalent to the fine amount seized for auction. In addition, violators may also have their money and other assets held by other individuals or organizations confiscated, in cases of intentional asset disposal.
When will the motorbike be confiscated?
According to lawyer – Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Vinh, based on Decree 168 of 2024 of the Government (effective from January 1), motorbikes will be confiscated in the following cases:
Let go of both hands while driving; use your feet to drive; sit on one side of the vehicle to drive; lie on the seat to drive; change drivers while the vehicle is moving; turn around to drive, or drive blindfolded.
Control the vehicle by running on one wheel for a two-wheeled vehicle, by running on two wheels for a three-wheeled vehicle.
Illegal racing.
Repeated offense of driving a vehicle in a zigzag or swerving manner on the road; using a kickstand or other object to scrape the road while the vehicle is running.
Driving a vehicle manufactured or assembled in violation of traffic regulations.
Illegally cutting, welding, erasing, chiseling, re-stamping the chassis number, engine number (machine number), and putting this vehicle into traffic.
Using vehicles that have exceeded their usage period to participate in traffic, except for the act of using vehicles for transportation business with an usage period that does not ensure the conditions of the registered business form…
When are cars and similar vehicles confiscated?
Repeated offenses of driving in a zigzag manner on the road; speeding and chasing each other on the road; using feet to control the steering wheel while the vehicle is running on the road.
Illegal racing.
Driving a vehicle that is past its expiration date on the road.
Driving vehicles manufactured or assembled in violation of regulations on the road (including agricultural vehicles subject to suspension from traffic, trailers and semi-trailers being towed).
Repetition of the act of carrying more than 100% of the number of people allowed by the vehicle being a passenger car or a passenger car (except buses).
Repeated offense of carrying more than 100% of the permitted number of passengers by a passenger car (passenger transport business on fixed routes, contracts) running on routes with a distance of more than 300 km.
Repeated offense of driving a truck (including trailers and semi-trailers) with a cargo bed size that does not match the technical specifications stated in the vehicle’s certificate of technical safety and environmental protection inspection into traffic.
Converting other types of cars into passenger cars…
Source: Vietnam Insider