Bach Nham Tung – the famous host of China Central Television is known as the “national male god” thanks to his remarkable appearance and talent.
In life, he was also praised for the way he raised his children. His son, Bach Thanh Duong, not only has excellent academic records, is a famous study abroad leader in England, but also captains the school football team.
Bach Nham Tung’s upbringing style is very different. Before his son took the high school entrance exam, he said, “I am worried that my son wants to come first in the exam or pass the best high school in Beijing.” Bach Nham Tung even threatened “from the face” if his son achieved top achievements.
By the time the exam results came out, his son scored well but wasn’t the top, so both father and son relaxed.
Why does Bach Nham Tung not want his son to take the lead?
Bach Nham Tung explained this: Life is like a marathon, you just need to run at your best, no need to compete with others to cross the first line. The winners are the most vulnerable, because they inadvertently separate themselves from the crowd. They will feel very sad. The first person to reach the finish line is not necessarily the winner.
The way of saying “from your face” is an “exaggerated” way for the male MC to emphasize this idea of his.
It can be seen that compared to grades, Bach Nham Tung is more concerned with whether his children are happy or not. Leading position is not the only criterion to judge whether a child is promising, because nurturing a child’s imagination, creativity and thinking ability is also very important. He did not want his son to be imprisoned by achievements and grades. The male MC’s only request for his son is to hope that he reads many books, especially books about history.
Compared to grades, Bach Nham Tung is more concerned with whether his children are happy or not. According to him, nurturing children’s imagination, creativity and thinking ability is also very important.
To protect his son’s privacy, the male MC rarely mentions his son in public. He is also not like other famous parents who enroll their children in tutoring classes at an early age or hone their piano, painting, violin and other gifted classes. Bach Nham Tung said that he never forced his son to do things that he did not like. His son is also not oriented to become a presenter like his father, but can freely pursue his dream.
When his son was in junior high school, Bach Nham Tung objected to his son’s involvement in school during the holidays. Instead, he often finds opportunities to take his children to play.
Because of this, his wife was a little worried, but Bach Nham Tung’s point was that instead of following the child and forcing him to study, parents should let the child learn when he really wants to.
“Parents are not the ones to decide their children’s lives, but should give their children autonomy over the future. Instead of interfering too much, they should properly let go of their children’s hands, let them choose what they want to do. What parents need to do is let their children understand that the efforts and hard work that children are putting in right now are for themselves, not for their parents, “ said Bach Nham Tung.
Source: CafeF
Source: Vietnam Insider