It has been proposed by the Ministry of Health that if the air quality index reaches hazardous levels for three consecutive days, schools may consider keeping kindergarten and elementary students out of school. If they are required to attend school, they should avoid outdoor activities or adjust study time accordingly. This proposal comes as a response to the prolonged air pollution in many areas.
Many parts of Hanoi and some northern provinces have been experiencing a hazy atmosphere of fog and dust for almost three months now. In December, a series of stations monitoring fine dust concentrations in Hanoi showed readings above 100-200, which is categorized as a poor and harmful level for health.
Weather plays a critical role in air pollution. In calm winters with little rain and dense fog, pollutants remain at low altitudes and are not washed away.
Ms. Le Thanh Thuy, from the Hanoi Environmental Protection Department, commented that there will be a period of high air pollution from September to March. Therefore, people need to pay close attention to air quality indicators when going out during this period.
Source: Vietnam Insider