#RethinkPlastic! arms to call for concrete policy action on reducing, redesigning and better managing plastics, and challenge the community to think broader and bolder, including trying to live plastic free in Vietnam.
More than half of the plastic waste dumped into the ocean comes from just five countries: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The increasing middle class of these countries had led to the excessive consumption of plastic and plastic-intensive goods, which grows at the same rate as the economy of these countries. Most of these countries import waste from western countries and since China decision on banning import waste in 2017, the situation will drastically aggravate. Finally the insufficient waste management infrastructure of these countries is not able to deal with the increasing excess of waste. As a result 75% of ocean plastic comes from uncollected waste and 25% from leakage of collected waste (McKinsey Report, 2015).
As an immediate priority, punctual actions targeting the reduction of plastic-waste leakage through innovative solutions might result in a 45% reduction globally. These solutions might include the improvement and diversification of collection systems, the increase of waste-collection rates, the introduction and adoption of new technologies to treat waste and sorting out high value plastic waste.
A business seminar named “ReThink Plastic Vietnam 2018” will take place on 27 September at Deutsches Haus, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The event is hosted by the Consulate General of the Netherlands, Dutch Business Association in Vietnam and Dutch Social Club – Nederlandse Vereniging Vietnam.
The Seminar “ Rethink Plastic” has the ambition to shed light on how to make a more sustainable use of plastic products and to brainstorm on possible innovative solutions to deal with waste management and reuse of plastic products into more sustainable products.
Key note speaker of the seminar is Craig Leeson, the director of the award winning Netflix documentary ‘A Plastic Ocean’ and ambassador for the Plastic Oceans Foundation.
There will be working groups sessions to discuss about educational program and children sensitization; Sustainable tourism; Inside company and office campaigns to reduce/re-use/recycle plastics; Reduce, reuse and recycle the plastic used in your production process.
More information about the event can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/events/469830126817668/
About Rethink Plastic: It is an inspiring initiative formed by members of the Dutch business society. The team members are committed to use their skills, knowledge and networks to take action to solve the global issue of plastic pollution. It is their goal to inspire Vietnam that anyone can be part of the solution by taking action, in your homes, at your jobs and in your companies. The team received full support from the Dutch Consulate in HCMC, the Dutch Business Association Vietnam and their main sponsors Louis Dreyfus Company, Philips and Heineken.