On average, about half of users of today’s fin-tech services (48%) in Vietnam go in for sports monthly at a different frequency. Remarkably, regular weekly exercises are essential for about 22%.
These are the findings of Robocash Group based on its recent customer survey.
Health is one of the life priorities for people in Asia. The company has revealed that almost every fifth of its customers in Vietnam, Indonesia, India and the Philippines work out two or more times a week. With the Indonesians showing the highest discipline (23%), the Vietnamese are second (22%) followed by Filipinos (21%) and Indians (17%).

Regular sport is important for 48% of online customers in Vietnam
There is an interesting contrast in the types of sports activities favored by customers in different countries. Particularly, Vietnamese are fond of playing ball sports (42%): football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc. It makes them close to Filipinos (29%) and puts in contrast with Indonesians and Indians who put fitness first (36% and 39%, respectively). In Vietnam, fitness is only second (19%), while third place belongs to water sports (13%).
Commenting on the results of the poll, the analysts of Robocash Group added: “Overall, the main reason to use online financing services remains the same: it helps meeting current expenses. However, for different customers, the scope of regular needs maybe not limited by food and monthly payment bills. The survey has revealed that, on average, one out of four respondents used online financing for purposes related to sport at least once. It means that sport is gradually taking its place within the structure of regular expenses as a means of maintaining good health.”
Respectively, it is quite significant that almost every fifth among the respondents in Vietnam (18%) is planning to use online financing for sports purposes in the future. For example, to purchase the necessary sports equipment, pay for tickets to events etc.
Robocash Group is an international financial group operating in the segments of consumer alternative lending and marketplace funding in Europe and Asia. The company develops robotic financial services providing lending to customers in Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and India and operates the own EU-based p2p investment platform. The group develops products completely in-house using artificial intelligence, machine learning and data-driven technologies to provide precise and comprehensive risk management, comfort and speed for customers and efficiency for business.