During the 2024 Lunar New Year, Vietnamese airlines such as Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet, Bamboo Airways, Pacific Airlines, and Vasco are selling more than 6 million tickets to accommodate passenger demand.
In this regard, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has requested that Vietnamese airlines report on market demand and operational plans at airports and airfields during the peak period from January 25, 2024, to February 24, 2024, corresponding to the 15th day of the 12th lunar month to the 15th day of the 1st lunar month.
The entities are required to report plans to increase capacity on specific flight routes during the Tet peak period, including comparisons and evaluations with the same period during the 2023 Lunar New Year and any related recommendations for increasing capacity on these routes during this period.
Regarding the aviation sector, the Civil Aviation Authority has released information on on-time, delayed, and canceled flight statistics of Vietnamese airlines in the first nine months of 2023, as reported by TTXVN.
During this period, Vietnamese airlines conducted nearly 221,200 flights. Among them, the Vietnam Airlines Group (comprising Vietnam Airlines, Pacific Airlines, and Vasco) operated over 100,000 flights, accounting for approximately 45% of the market share; Vietjet Air had a 38% share, and Bamboo Airways had around 15% of the total number of flights.
In terms of delayed and canceled flights, domestic airlines reported more than 33,200 delayed flights, making up 15% of the total number of flights, and 715 canceled flights, accounting for a 0.3% ratio. Vietjet Air led in terms of delayed flights with 16,520 flights.
In contrast, during the first nine months of 2023, Vietnamese airlines operated 85% of their flights on time. Bamboo Airways, in particular, had an on-time departure rate of 92.4%, surpassing the industry’s average on-time departure rate of 85%.
Source: Vietnam Insider