Over the past year, authorities have recorded more than 12,000 cases of online fraud, most of which are frauds to appropriate property.
With a large group of potential victims, more than 70 million Vietnamese people use the Internet, bad actors constantly take advantage of information technology to carry out many online frauds, appropriating high-value assets, according to the warning of the Information Security Administration, the Ministry of Information and Communications.
According to the Vietnam Information Security Warning portal, in 2022, more than 12,935 cases of online fraud were recorded. In which, financial fraud accounted for the majority, 75.6%, and fraud to steal personal information accounted for 24.4%.
The fraud to steal personal information is also a stepping stone to continue the scripting of financial fraud, said a representative of the Vietnam Cyber Emergency Response Center (VNCERT/CC), under the Department of Information Security. From personal information and related account information, bad guys can take advantage of property in many different ways.
Scammers often use fake methods, such as impersonating banks and authorities, to ask people for personal information, account information and OTP, or transfer money directly. According to the Department of Information Security, this form accounts for nearly 75% of online fraud cases.
Less common but still happening is fraud through taking over social network accounts, taking advantage of emotions, tricking into using loan apps. These forms account for about 25% of recorded scams.
The Department of Information Security said that in 2022, it has prevented and handled more than 2,620 online scam websites, but the damage caused by online fraud is still great because victims often have the mentality of ignoring and being afraid of reporting procedures, making it difficult for authorities to handle.
Expert Ngo Minh Hieu from the Anti-Phishing project also said that internet users need to be calm and not afraid when receiving information claiming to be authorities. In fact, if there is a problem that needs to be resolved, organizations will send a representative or send a paper to the home rather than using online communication.
VNCERT/CC also recommends that when threatened by unknown sources, asked to pay money or declare information, network users should contact to receive instructions from the authorities, even if there is no recording, or photo evidence.
@ Zing News
Source: Vietnam Insider