Entering Vietnam through tourist routes, these criminals employed fake passports to engage in theft activities. They utilized rented self-driving cars or motorbikes to facilitate their crimes, targeting various provinces and cities nationwide.
On April 24, at approximately 3:30 p.m., the Thanh Hoa Provincial Police received information regarding an incident that took place at the cultural post office of Quang Thang ward, Thanh Hoa city. Two foreign men visited a shop to make a purchase. While paying, they handed the shop owner a 100 USD bill and requested change. Seizing the opportunity created by the owner’s distraction, the criminals swiftly stole 100 million dong before making a hasty getaway.
Following the occurrence, the Thanh Hoa City Police collaborated with the Criminal Police Department of the Thanh Hoa Province Police to promptly investigate and apprehend three Iranian nationals: Sabri Bejandi Mehdi (born in 1978), Aslrosta Maddi (born in 1980), and Salehi Rad Hossein (born in 1982). The arrest took place when the individuals were en route to Ho Chi Minh City.
During their interrogation at the police station, all three suspects confessed to entering Vietnam using tourist routes and employing fake passports for their criminal activities. After their arrival, they habitually sought accommodation in budget hotels and motels, failing to register their temporary residence as required by law. Additionally, they frequently changed their lodgings.
To facilitate their illicit deeds, these criminals rented self-driving cars or motorbikes to navigate through different provinces and cities, selecting targets among individual businesses or companies engaged in goods trading. These targets were often situated in secluded areas, providing the perpetrators with easier access.
Their modus operandi involved posing as customers interested in purchasing a variety of items. This tactic served to divert the attention of the business owners. They would then proceed to buy the least expensive item, employing high-denomination bills or various foreign currencies such as USD or EURO for payment.
Exploiting the moment when the shop owner returned change, the criminals would request a specific currency for the exchange, allowing them to execute their theft unnoticed.
According to the Thanh Hoa Provincial Police, this criminal method is highly sophisticated and represents a new form of criminality. Consequently, heightened vigilance is crucial for all individuals, particularly business owners. Negligence should be avoided, and caution should be exercised to prevent customers from approaching areas where money is kept.
Furthermore, the Thanh Hoa police authorities emphasize the necessity for owners of accommodation establishments to strictly adhere to the legal requirements regarding temporary residence registration.
Source: Vietnam Insider