3 month term
Currently, most banks list interest rates for 3-5 months at the maximum allowed rate of 6%/year. However, there are still some banks that apply at a lower rate, in which Agribank, Vietcombank, BIDV and VietinBank have the same rate of 5.4%/year (for over-the-counter deposit). For online deposit, Vietcombank, BIDV, and VietinBank have all increased to the ceiling of 6%/year for terms from 1 month to 5 months.
Term 6 months
Only 1 month more, but the 5-month term interest rate and the 6-month term interest rate have a huge difference. According to the survey, the highest interest rate for 6-month term can now be approximately 10%/year.
It is at DongABank with an interest rate of 9.35%/year for the amount under 10 million VND. From 10 million VND or more, customers are added 0.7-0.85%/year, which means the interest rate can be up to 10%/year.
Next, you can point to NCB, with a 6-month term deposit interest rate, online at 9.5%/year. A series of other small banks also have interest rates above 9%/year, such as Saigonbank (9.2%/year), NamABank (9.1%/year), BacABank (9.3%/year)…
In the group of large banks, there are also many listed banks around 9%/year. In which, Techcombank applies 9-9.2% for regular customers and 9.3-9.5% for VIP customers 1. VPBank also has a rate of 9%/year (for priority customers).
In the Big 4 group, BIDV has just made some adjustments, raising the interest rate for 6-month term in the form of online deposit to 7.9%/year. VietinBank maintains the same level of 7.8%/year (send online). Meanwhile, Vietcombank only increased the interest rate for 1-3 month term, keeping the 6-month term interest rate at 6.5%/year.
12 year term
Similar to the 6-month term, SCB, DongABank, and NCB are still the banks with the highest interest rates in the market, approximately 10%/year.
Specifically, SCB listed the interest rate of 9.95%/year, DongABank applied 10.3%/year (customers deposit over 1 billion VND), NCB (9.7%/year).
Most of the remaining banks are listed for no more than 9.5%/year. Specifically: Kienlongbank (9.5%), Saigonbank (9.5%), NamABank (9.5%), Techcombank (9.5%), VPBank (9.4%), SHB (9.1%/ year), ACB (9%),…
In the Big4 group, BIDV and VietinBank jointly list 8.2%/year for online savings and 7.4%/year for over-the-counter deposit. While Vietcombank applies the same rate of 7.4%/year to both online and over-the-counter customers.
Term 24 months
Most banks listed deposit interest rates for 24-month and 36-month terms at the same level as for 12-month terms. For example, Techcombank, the interest rates for these terms are 9-9.5%/year (of which 9.5% is for priority customers).
Or like BIDV, VietinBank both list 8.2%/year for customers who deposit online with a term of 12 or 24 months.
Meanwhile, some banks will add or reduce the 12-month term. For example, NamABank, a 12-month term deposit will be more profitable because the maximum interest rate is 9.5%/year, while a 24-month deposit with a longer term is only 9.3%/year.
At NCB, customers with a 24-month term will receive 9.9%/year, 0.2% higher than the 12-month term.
In general, in the group of small banks, DongABank, NCB, and SCB are the banks with the highest interest rates.
While in the group of large private banks, Techcombank, VPBank,…have more competitive interest rates than Sacombank, ACB,…
The same group of Big4 but the difference in interest rates between banks is quite significant. In which, BIDV and VietinBank are having higher interest rates than Vietcombank, Agribank.
Source: CafeF
Source: Vietnam Insider