On March 15, a video clip went viral on social media depicting foreign tourists who almost got scammed by a fruit vendor on Thuy Khue Street in Tay Ho district, Hanoi. The clip showed two tourists being offered apples by the vendor, who, not understanding English, simply nodded and handed them a small bag of apples. The tourists then asked for the price and handed over a 200,000 VND bill, which the vendor kept without returning any change. The tourists refused to accept this scam and demanded their money back, but the vendor refused. Eventually, the situation got out of hand, and a nearby security guard had to intervene.
After the clip went viral and caused outrage, many criticized the vendor’s actions, which tarnished Hanoi’s tourism image. To address this issue, the Buoi Ward People’s Committee immediately invited the vendor, a woman named B.T.L, to clarify her behavior and remind her of cultural norms.
During the meeting, Ms. L admitted her mistake and apologized for creating a negative image of Hanoi. She explained that she had returned the money to the tourists as soon as she realized her mistake. She pledged not to repeat her mistake and promised to comply with the regulations in business and sales.
The People’s Committee of Buoi Ward imposed an administrative penalty on Ms. B.T.L for selling street goods without posting prices. This incident serves as a reminder to all vendors to behave appropriately, comply with regulations, and contribute to beautifying Hanoi’s image.
Source: Vietnam Insider