As Vietnam views vaccinating foreigners as part of the country’s drive to achieve herd immunity, all foreigners who are living, studying, and working in the key cities will be supported to take jabs and treatment of all illnesses regarding the pandemic.
The capital of Hanoi had opened more than 1,200 vaccination facilities to ensure all local and foreign citizens aged 18 and above can receive their first COVID-19 vaccine shot before September 15. These are also places where samples will be taken for testing, according to Vietnam News Agency.
Hanoi has just received more than one million additional doses of vaccine. Everyone can register until September 15 via the vaccination portal or with local authorities.
In Ho Chi Minh City, the authorities provide coronavirus vaccination for all foreign nationals in the city, with registration to be completed before September 15.
More than 210,000 foreigners wished to be vaccinated against COVID-19, the data provided by foreign consulates showed.
In a document sent to consulates, representative offices of international organizations as well as chambers of economic affairs, trade and culture on Friday, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of External Relations announced its vaccination plan which will be implemented according to the residential areas of foreign citizens in 21 districts and Thu Duc City, the Tuoi Tre Newspaper reported.
Every foreigns, who wishes to receive COVID-19 jabs should register for their first or second shot via a portal provided by the department, using this link or a QR code .
Each individual can only register once on the system and application must be done before September 15.
The people’s committees of 21 districts and Thu Duc City will send out invitations by email or text message to specify the time and place of inoculation.
Local authorities will also help foreign citizens with their travel to the vaccination sites, according to local media.
The Vietnam’s Health Ministry has issued its vaccination rollout plan, including the 16 priority groups, for the 2021-2022 period with an overall goal of reaching herd immunity by early 2022. The vaccines are mainly from the WHO-led Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) initiative, created to ensure supplies for developing countries. Vietnam as an eligible recipient is set to receive millions of doses throughout 2021.
Source: Vietnam Insider