Regarding the case of two men being gored by a buffalo and hospitalized with serious injuries, on February 23, the People’s Committee of Vinh Loc A Commune (Binh Chanh District) said that representatives of the People’s Committee and Vinh Loc A Commune Police went to the hospital to inquire about the health and situation of the injured.
Accordingly, the two people injured by the buffalo gore were Mr. Ha Van T. (40 years old, in Thanh Hoa) and Mr. Tran Phuoc Th. (43 years old, in Quang Nam).
Mr. Th. was gored by a buffalo, his genitals were torn, his shoulder was dislocated. His health is now stable and he has been discharged from the hospital. Mr. T. is still being treated at Cho Ray Hospital.
Previously, at around 12:30 p.m. on February 22, at an empty lot in Hamlet 38, Vinh Loc A Commune, Binh Chanh District, a buffalo gored, injuring Mr. T. and Th.
Initial information provided by local people was that both of them went to fish and approached the area where the mother buffalo and 4 buffalo calves were (all 5 buffaloes were tied up).
Both of them teased the buffalo, so the mother buffalo that had just given birth charged and injured her. The buffalo owner, Mr. D.VT (52 years old, in Vinh Loc A commune, Binh Chanh district), after the incident, contacted the victim to come up with a plan to support and treat the injury.
After verifying the incident, Vinh Loc A Commune Police are temporarily holding the electric shock device of the two victims who were gored by the buffalo to serve as a basis for handling responsibility later.
Source: thanhnien.
Source: Vietnam Insider