Report from Appota reveals Vietnamese the most patient in the world when ads pop up.
According to a report released recently by the Appota Co., Vietnamese people spend the longest time watching ads online, at 19 seconds, while the average in the world is 8-9 seconds.
The report also shows that, as at the second quarter of 2019, Vietnam had more than 51 million people using mobile devices to access social networks and entertainment. The most popular devices are Android, with a market share of 55.1 per cent, and iOS, with 41.62 per cent.
“Users are always ready to watch short video ads to receive rewards in apps or games,” the report stated, “and this is something advertisers should consider in understanding the behavior of Vietnamese viewers.”
According to the report, Vietnam is among the top 10 countries with the highest number of downloads of mobile apps and games in the world and the lowest cost of advertising on installments (CPI) in the region.
Strong growth in mobile devices and 4G has created a solid foundation for the advertising market and mobile apps in the country. In 2018, digital advertising reached $663 million, of which mobile advertising accounted for more than 62 per cent.
Digital advertising is expected to continue to grow and reach more than $1 billion by 2020, with advertising on mobile devices accounting for nearly 80 per cent.
Social networks will dominate the digital advertising market in Vietnam in the years ahead, with 45 million users on platforms such as Facebook, Zalo, and Instagram.
Video ads continue to be “stars” in the digital advertising market, with strong growth and spending on video ads to continue to increase from 40 to 60 per cent each year for the next five years.
Ads on search engines from SEO (search engine optimization) will slow down in number, as will their market share.
Source: Vneconomictimes
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