After the Covid-19 epidemic, labor of tourist accommodation establishments fluctuated, both quantity and quality decreased. 40-50% of employees in system have moved to other jobs.
The above information comes from the Report “Tourism Accommodation in Vietnam”, published by the Vietnam Hotel Association on December 7.
Accordingly, the labor of tourist accommodation establishments (tourism facilities) fluctuates, both quantity and quality decrease. By the end of 2019, the number of employees in the tourism database system is about 400,000 people. The quality of customer service at tourist sites of 3 stars or more is relatively good, basically meeting the requirements of international and domestic tourists.
However, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, in the period of 2020-2021, many employees have to take a break because the hotel is closed or have to work alternately due to the low occupancy. Employees who have stopped labor contracts with the tourism database and found other jobs account for 40-50% of the total number of employees in the system.
Since the beginning of the year until now, when the tourism infrastructure is back in operation, especially when Vietnam is fully open to tourism (March 2022), many hotel workers who have quit their jobs in 2020 and 2021 have not returned back to work, leading to a labor shortage.
The rate of employees at the tourism facilities is very low, specifically: the 1st and 2nd-star class averages 0.3 employees/room; the average 3-star rating is 0.5 employees/room; 4-star rating averaged 0.8 employees/room; 5-star rating is 1 worker/room. In particular, the hotel industry still lacks human resources in supervisory, middle and senior management positions.
As for the quality of labor, the quality of labor is also reduced because the tourism database has to recruit additional new human resources, so there is still a lack of experience and service skills. The proportion of well-trained human resources in professional, professional and foreign languages still does not meet the actual needs.
Also according to the above report, the quantity and quality of tourism database in Vietnam is decreasing. In the year 2020-2021, most of the data warehouses operate in moderation, many units are closed or for sale.
By 2022, due to the small number of international visitors, the room capacity is low, still 30-40% of the total number of tourism facilities have not yet opened and services in many places have not yet resumed operation (spa services, karaoke…). In addition, the facilities and equipment of many tourism databases (especially those with 2 stars or less) are seriously degraded due to the lack of conditions for investment, maintenance and repair.
@ Vietnamnet
Source: Vietnam Insider