Five years after graduating from college, many people’s careers have taken off. But there are still people at this time, the job is still bumpy with the salary stagnating like when they just graduated from school.
Xiaohong (28 years old, Shanghai, China) is one of them. “Five years after graduation, my salary is still at 3,000 yuan, equivalent to the income of a recent graduate. In addition to increasing age, worries more and more, only ability and salary is unchanged,” she said.
Before that, when she was a student, she had good academic records. But after 5 years, she still stood still, making her depressed and intending to return to her hometown. Xiaohong said she doesn’t like her current job, but she doesn’t know what to do after quitting.
From the day he graduated from school and entered life like a blank sheet of paper, until now, nearly 30 years old, Xiaohong is still confused and disoriented in developing his future. The average salary, the job without the ideal passion, the accumulated material is not much. How many years does human youth have to continue to waste like this?
Currently, cases of Xiaohong’s are not uncommon. Like her, many young people choose to settle in big cities but are becoming low-paid work machines. They are struggling and don’t know where the future holds.
From this fact we can ask the question, why do some people steadily advance in the workplace, while others stay where they are? If you ignore factors such as family, background, from a personal perspective, Xiaohong and similar young people are making the following 2 mistakes:
1. Lack of soft skills
At work ability is directly linked to your salary. The main reason leading to low income and not being able to promote is your lack of ability, which means that what you have done is not enough to satisfy your boss.
Here you need to understand competencies including both hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are the level of intelligence, proficiency in specialized skills in the field you are working on, which can be understood as “doing the job.” Soft skills are how you manage emotions, work in groups, and communicate. with colleagues and boss…
Compared to hard skills, soft skills are much more complex. If hard skills are mainly based on learning and accumulation. But soft skills are different experiences of each person at different angles, so there is no uniform standard and method. We can only rely on our own personal experience to summarize and comprehend.
In terms of hard skills equally, soft skills become especially important. In the workplace, you come in contact with all kinds of people. So factors such as EQ, how to control emotions, teamwork… all affect whether you can do things well or not.
Many people have excellent academic performance in school but lack soft skills, making it difficult to deal with complex relationships or cooperation with people. This leaves you alone at work.
2. Not updating new knowledge
In the current information explosion era, the speed of updating and knowledge capital increases rapidly. New ideas, technologies, and models emerge all the time. As a result, the competition for labor is becoming more and more fierce.
With this reality, all of us are forced to constantly learn, improve our quality and capacity in all aspects. Can a person master a new skill in the shortest time and whether he can create new value for the company is a way to measure how competitive an employee is today.
Many people, after a long time away from school, have lost their passion and interest in learning, and the motivation to actively acquire new knowledge is also lacking. This standing still leaves them behind. This is the reason why even though they have many years of seniority, the salary is only equal to that of a dynamic student who has just graduated from college.
In addition, many people when looking for a job often focus on their current interests rather than self-development, do not have a career plan, often change jobs, do not pay attention to their own promotion ability… this making it difficult for them to get a raise.
There’s no guarantee you’ll be at a company for life. Try to imagine with your indulgence in the present, how will you have to deal with the future if you are fired? Living in a turbulent time, the only constant is that you yourself need to be flexible to change constantly. Because when the real event comes, those who are not ready will be the most pitiable.
Therefore, only by adjusting your thinking, trying to improve yourself, can you overcome challenges and crises at any time.
Source: CafeF
Source: Vietnam Insider